a mix of everything

Friday, January 21, 2011

current showings, upcoming shows, snowsnow, busy busy!

i currently have two handmade books on display in the vault gallery of the fuller hall building at new hampshire institute of art! i'm not positive how long the show is up for, it's been up since december. go have a look! a lot of great books are in there.

also, the minumental show at NHIA is taking place, soon. works by current students, staff, faculty, and alumni. work has to be 2x2. a lot of fun things will be on sale, and for super cheap! go support all of the artists and attend the opening :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

new year

i'm going to make a point to use my 35 mm more. it used to be the camera that was always attached to me. i've been neglecting it a little the last year, what with trying out the view camera, various medium formats, and finally getting to like my digital. but i miss that medium. it's my last semester at college, and i'm going to bring it with me everywhere.

here's to 2011. let's make it a good one :)